Each time I give a Watsu® session, I'm reminded of the gentle power of presence as the intuitive movements unfold during the flow of a session. For my dancer-self, it feels like improv water ballet. I love seeing the look of bliss on people's faces as they let go of thinking and experience themselves in an expanded way.
Watsu® was developed by Harold Dull at Harbin Hot Springs in California in the early 1980’s. The gentle stretches and movements used in Watsu are based on the meridian stretches of Zen Shiatsu. It is offered in spas, holistic retreat centers and aquatic therapy facilities worldwide.
Watsu® has effectively treated people with physical conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain and limited range of motion.
Watsu® is sometimes used in conjunction with psychotherapy to reconnect sensations in the body with appropriate emotions, aiding in the recovery from trauma, abuse or water traumas. The warmth of the water combined with movement, stretches and respectful touch engenders a sense of safety, being nurtured, unconditional acceptance, and spaciousness. Feelings deep within the body surface and can be expressed.
Those experiencing loss and grief may find comfort and catharsis in Watsu®.
Watsu® is a sensual experience, but not sexual. It is not appropriate for those with boundary issues in this regard.
For more information about Watsu®, Watsu® training, or other practicianers, go to https://www.watsu.com